
by Lupus Foder



Welcome to FourFriends - offers and bonuses collected in one place! The FourFriends app offers you digital promotional offers and the opportunity to register your purchases to earn bonuses on FourFriends products.Bonus registration applies to the products dog food, cat food and cat sand. The FourFriends app provides you with unique offers and promotions that run throughout the entire FourFriends range.The app is easy to use. Once you have logged in and created an account, it is ready. When you are in your store and shopping for a FourFriends product, you go into the app and choose in which store you shop and what product you buy. Then show the cashier and they approve the purchase. Within 48 hours your purchase is registered. Once you have achieved your bonus you will be notified via the app. The bonus can then be redeemed at your store.